time to attack

美 [taɪm tu əˈtæk]英 [taɪm tu əˈtæk]
  • 网络进攻的时间到了
time to attacktime to attack
  1. This is the time to attack !


  2. With all respect , this is hardly a time to attack a superior force .


  3. Oh , there are two left punch to consider , first , time to attack the island basalt to high .


  4. It is time to attack the safety rails , bollard holes , and hatches .


  5. Geithner says once the economic recovery is underway and the employment picture improves , it will be time to attack the deficit .


  6. Stand by , men ; it is time to begin the attack .


  7. The best time to start this attack was when Germany was weakest , which was in December .


  8. Traditionally , it was divided into acute and chronic arseniasis , which were decided mainly by exposing dose and time from exposure to attack .


  9. When is the best time to launch our next attack against the enemy ?


  10. The submarine dived iust in time to avoid the enemy attack .


  11. Nato announced last week that it had decided for the first time to classify a cyber attack as the type of event that could trigger a joint alliance response .


  12. Guaranteed secure precision of tracking and locating , we shorten the time for completing the algorithm in order to make attacker can not have enough time to attack . So this scheme can solve the problem when the primary user is mobile .
